The liver is a vital organ that works behind the scenes for our bodies. It processes most of our blood, helps produce bile and helps us digest food.
However, it can also be affected by various substances we consume on a daily basis. Some are toxic, while others may not have any ill effects on your body. But if you’re consuming too many toxins or eating something that may harm your liver, you could experience some symptoms like fatigue, nausea, vomiting, bloating, abdominal pain, yellowing of the skin, jaundice (a condition in which the skin becomes yellow), light-colored stools, dark urine, pale colored eyes, and difficulty sleeping.
If these symptoms persist for more than two weeks, you should seek medical attention as this could indicate an underlying health issue.
Toxic liver diseases or Hepatotoxicity
Your liver may get harmed by toxic liver disease. Also known as the hepatotoxicity or toxic hepatitis. If you don’t obtain care, it can result in severe symptoms or liver damage. Hepatotoxicity can be brought on by alcohol, chemicals, solvents, drugs, herbal supplements, and more. There are several degrees of toxic liver disease. If this persists for a while, cirrhosis or irreversible liver scarring may develop. Perhaps it will be result in severe health issues and even death. Short-term use of such liver detox supplements can result in liver failure in some serious circumstances, as it can with acetaminophen.
The following are some of the common supplements that may cause severe problems to your liver.
Tylenol is available at most drug stores. This popular painkiller contains acetaminophen, which is used to treat mild to moderate pain. However, its use is limited because it has been found to damage the liver over time; therefore, it must be taken with extreme caution.
It is recommended that you only use Tylenol products with less than 325 mg per tablet. If you are taking multiple tablets, such as 500 mg, you should split them into three doses and take one every four hours. Taking more than three tablets within 24 hours should be avoided.
Aspirin and Ibuprofen
These drugs are often prescribed for people who suffer from arthritis or other forms of joint pain. They both contain aspirin, but in different amounts. Aspirin is generally safe, but you may want to avoid taking more than 81 milligrams per day. For those who need to take higher dosages, consult your doctor before doing so.
Ibuprofen, in contrast, contains up to 400 milligrams per dose. You should never take more than 800 milligrams per day. However, if you are pregnant, you should ask your doctor about using ibuprofen instead. It is less harmful to your baby’s development than aspirin, and it will help reduce fever caused by infection.
This is another popular drink additive that many people take each morning. It gives you a boost of energy during your workday and keeps you alert throughout the entire day.
However, there is a potential downside to caffeine consumption. Caffeine increases your heart rate and can raise your blood pressure, which is why it’s important to always monitor yourself when taking caffeine. Caffeine can also increase fluid retention within your body, which may cause swelling of the ankles, legs, hands, and feet.
Consuming too much caffeine may also lead to headaches, insomnia, anxiety, irritability, palpitations, and tremors. Therefore, it is best to limit your intake of caffeine to no more than 200 milligrams per day. If you already exceed this amount, speak with your doctor first before increasing the dosage further.
Diuretics are commonly used to lower high blood pressure. These types of drugs help remove excess fluids from your body, which can be helpful for individuals suffering from kidney disease or those who have low levels of potassium in their system.
However, diuretics are very dangerous for those who have healthy livers. Diuretics can cause dehydration, resulting in a loss of electrolytes, minerals, and water. This can potentially lead to muscle weakness, dizziness, confusion, and seizures.
If you are currently taking diuretics, stop taking them immediately. Consult your physician before taking any new drugs.
Herbal Supplements
There are many herbal supplements on the market that claim to improve overall health and wellness. Many of these supplements are touted as natural remedies, although they do have side effects.
Some of the popular herbs that are marketed as a “liver detoxifier” include dandelion root, milk thistle, and burdock root. While these supplements may provide some benefits, they can actually harm your liver if you overdose on them. Dandelion root is known to cause constipation, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. Burdock root is believed to increase urination, which can lead to dehydration. Milk thistle is also considered a laxative, although it can also cause an upset stomach and abdominal discomfort.
While some of these supplements may be harmless, it is still recommended that you don’t take them without speaking to your doctor first. Also, if you take any kind of herbal product, always read the label carefully to ensure that you are not ingesting anything harmful.